About SIS

The Italian Statistical Society

SIS, Società Italiana di Statistica (Italian Statistical Society), is a non-profit scientific society which now ranks among the institutions of particular scientific relevance. As stated in its by-law, SIS aims to promote scientific activities for the development of statistical sciences.

The Society carries out this task organizing scientific meetings and conferences, and by means of publications and partnerships with similar organizations at a national and international level. Since its establishment, the Society has grown up hand in hand with the fast spreading of data analysis quantitative methods in every field of scientific research and social life.

The Italian Statistical Society edits several publications: the proceedings of Scientific Meetings and Conferences organized every year by the Society; SMA (Statistical Methods and Applications), an international scientific journal in English language; Statistica & Società, journal representing a modern communication tool between SIS and civil society, and SIS Informazioni, bulletin meant to circulate among all members news and events in Statistics field taking place in Italy and abroad.

SIS is also directly involved in statistical and demographic training activities for professionals and PhD students and it organizes competitions to award the best scientific or educational projects in Statistics field.

There are two kinds of membership to the Society: ordinary membership and adherent institutions.

SIS has partnership scientific relations with a number of international statistical institutions. It is associated with the International Statistical Institute (ISI); through its coordination group, SIS-CLADAG, it is a member of the International Federation of the Classification Societies (IFCS); and it supports the European Courses in Advanced Statistics (ECAS) programme. The Italian Statistical Society is one of the founding members of the Federation of European National Statistical Societies (FENStatS).

For more informations, please visit the SIS official website.